it is already the middle of november. i dont know how that happened but here we are. waiting for out new and exciting life to begin:) we sent out our support letters to some friends and family and our home churches last month and are starting to see responses which is super cool. there is really nothing like having people back you up with their friendship and their prayers and their money. yesterday we had a relative tell us she had been praying for us to have the opportunity to go into ministry for a while now. isnt that crazy? that before we knew what God wanted from us he had people praying for us to figure it out:) most of the people we tell are super excited for us and think camp is the perfect fit for us. its a really awesome time in our lives... BUT.. its also been a struggle in that we now know WHERE and WHAT we're going to do with our lives, but the WHEN is still up in the air. please be praying for us to be able to raise our funds for camp quickly and get up there and JUMP in to our new calling. and if you havent received a letter and would like one just drop us an email and let us know!
today i feel like bragging about my beautiful, smart, and hilarious first born. at three years old she knows her alphabet, colors, shapes, the sound each letter makes, can write the alphabet, can count to 29 without help-farther with coaching:), can rhyme, knows opposites and can "read" 27 sight words. she also knows a ton about animals and can identify them- even ones ive never heard of:) like tapirs. and capybaras. she sings along to taylor swift on the radio. she is an amazing big sister and is in love with her little brother who in turn adores her and thinks everything she does is mesmerizing:) she says the most honest and endearing prayers at naptime, and often quotes things that i say when i pray with her. she has started telling jokes that make no sense, but at times totally crack me up. (What did the big dog do with the little dog? Made him into pancakes!!!) she is a fish, loves to swim and would live in water if she could. on second thought, she would pr...
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