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in the past few months i have been embarking on a mission to "clear the clutter" from our lives. i am so tired of my messiness causing unnecessary stress. so i have read like a thousand books, blogs, magazine articles, etc and watched a few episodes of hoarders (ha theres inspiration if i've ever seen it) claiming to be the cure to my problem. but im learning that my problem is so much more than i need to "reorganize" and find a home for my stuff and stick to a plan. i mean i do need to do all those things, but really i think it comes down to me being a lover of stuff. yeesh. who wants to admit to that?
 i mean most of this stuff in my house is totally meaningless. papers that hold some silly sentimentality that i might want to look at one day. clothes my babies have outgrown, that i want to hang on to "just in case". heck- clothes i have outgrown, that i want to hang on to "just in case". but even more than this particular stuff is the stuff that is just stuff and has no place and i dont know why we have it or keep it anyway.

 so. here i am saying i will once and for all get rid of the stuff in my life that is holding me back. i will organize this house and weed out the junk and not pack it up and drag it to our new house. 

when we move to MI i want to have a HOME where we can feel at home. where we can invite people over and build relationships and be able to LOVE on people. not having to quick shove stuff in the spare room real quick or feel embarressed that i am a messy person by nature. i want our home to be an asset to us, not a hindrance. 

this should be easy peasy- all i have to do is sort through our entire house:)


  1. oh, dear friend... do I ever know what you mean! we have accumulated a lot of stuff around here, too! I am ashamed to admit it! Oh my goodness, though, the more I learn about how little most of the world has, the more my "stuff" makes me sick. I mean, really- what do we need anyways?! The ironic thing is that those living with very little will often be found with bigger smiles and smaller wish lists. Our society makes me sick sometimes- I make me sick sometimes. Looks like God is opening your eyes, too! And that is a beautiful thing! I will be praying for you, friend!

    "when we move to MI i want to have a HOME where we can feel at home. where we can invite people over and build relationships and be able to LOVE on people." .... I love that. Thanks for sharing your heart.

    Love you!


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