today i feel like bragging about my beautiful, smart, and hilarious first born. at three years old she knows her alphabet, colors, shapes, the sound each letter makes, can write the alphabet, can count to 29 without help-farther with coaching:), can rhyme, knows opposites and can "read" 27 sight words. she also knows a ton about animals and can identify them- even ones ive never heard of:) like tapirs. and capybaras. she sings along to taylor swift on the radio. she is an amazing big sister and is in love with her little brother who in turn adores her and thinks everything she does is mesmerizing:) she says the most honest and endearing prayers at naptime, and often quotes things that i say when i pray with her. she has started telling jokes that make no sense, but at times totally crack me up. (What did the big dog do with the little dog? Made him into pancakes!!!) she is a fish, loves to swim and would live in water if she could. on second thought, she would pr...